Wednesday, October 28, 2009


As I am sure some of you are aware, November 3rd is election day this year. Now, historically in an off year election turn out is horrendous. Beyond horrendous: ABYSMAL. I hate to say it, but abysmal turn out means your vote counts that much more. Your piece of the pie is bigger. Your voice is louder and the echo, much greater. This year is no different.

Here in Pittsburgh, we have the opportunity to elect some excellent judicial candidates and, finally, a pro-choice mayor. Now, I'm not going to try and tell you who to vote for. But I am going to point you in the direction of the Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates website and ask you, kindly, to check it out.

Click on the voter guide. Tons of great information, right at your fingertips.

And I'm also going to leave you with this radical video by one of my favorite video bloggers, Jay Smooth. He's my #1 feminist crush. The video is a little dated, but just as important and poignant as the day he uploaded it.

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