Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pro Choice Halloween courtesy of PPNYC!

Halloween is just around the corner and I couldn't resist posting PPNYC's piece on pro choice Halloween costumes! Check out their blog at! Happy Halloween!!!

Nothing to wear on Halloween? Go as one of these pro-choice costumes!
If you’re anything like me, you still don’t have your Halloween costume down. What with all the atrocious costumes out there, we here at PPNYC asked some of our favorite writers for their pro-choice Halloween costume ideas. Check out the list below, or add your own in your comments. And if you end up going as any of these, send in your picture!

From Megan Carpentier, Editor, News & Politics at Air America Media:

Dress normally. Since STDs often can’t be distinguished with the naked eye, it’ll be up to you to tell people what you are.
Dress in pink and carry a pink hula hoop all night: you’re a NuvaRing!
Dress all in copper and put copper pipe cleaners on your head: you’re an IUD!

From the writers at Slate’s Double X blog:
Draw a calendar on your shirt and carry a bongo drum: You’re the Rhythm Method!
Drape ivy over your shoulders and paint a big “F” on your shirt: You’re IVF.
Dress like a baby and attach test tubes to yourself (or drink from them): You’re a Test Tube baby!
Wear all your winter gear and curl into the fetal position whenever possible: You’re a frozen embryo.

From the pro-choice comic Katie Halper:
Wear galoshes and carry an oar: You’re roe v wade
Walk around with a bunch of babies: You’re “abstinence only” sex education
Wear a Trojan helmet and a clear raincoat: you’re a Trojan condom. Alternative: wear a raincoat and put on a name tag that says “birthplace: Troy”

And a few ideas from the PPNYC staff:
Wear all black, but then spell out the word “Damn” on your chest with bright green dental floss: You’re a Dental Dam!
Dress in pink and don a knit cap: You’re a cervical cap!
Wear all black and attach small pink erasers to your outfit – you’re a rubber!

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