Monday, October 19, 2009

NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia gets the word out on McDonnel's anti-woman agenda

Virginia is my home state so I take this issue to heart. Though I long ago fled the gorgeous Shenandoah Valley of my birth, I certainly don't want a nut case like Robert McDonnell governing it!

Robert McDonnell landed on my radar when his Master's thesis leaked to the public. It's all kinds of wing-nut crazy but the part that has the feminist blogospere buzzing is his contention that working women and feminists are "detrimental" to the family. With this kind of anti-woman policy, he is not fit to govern any state and I hope his opponent R. Creigh Deeds takes him to task for it.

NARAL Pro-Choice VA is doing their part! Check out their clever you tube video!

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