Monday, October 19, 2009

Health Care Reform Day of Action is tomorrow!

Tomorrow, Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania will be joining the thousands of supporters of health care reform in a national day of action!

At 10 a.m. we will be heading to the University of Pittsburgh and Chatham University campuses to video students individual health care stories. These stories are one of the most valuable tools we have to show why it is so important that we address health care reform responsibly. We will also be doing a mobile phone bank into Senators Specter and Casey's offices so the folks we encounter can let their representative know that health care reform must not leave women worse off after health care then they were before!

After the visits to our local universities, we are heading over to the Health Care Rally for a Public Option at Mellon Square (6th Avenue and William Penn Place) at 2 p.m. Hosted by HCAN and SEIU, and a plethora of other hard working advocates for responsible health care reform, this rally is taking the message of health care reform to the streets. Please consider heading downtown to show your support! We will be the ones in the bright pink shirts :)

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