Thursday, February 11, 2010

Give the gift of honesty this Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is an excellent opportunity to have an honest conversation about sex and STD's with your partner(s). PPNYC C.E.O., Joan Malin, has a great piece about talking to your partner about sex up on RH Reality Check. Take a look at the tips we pulled for you here and then click the link to read the full piece!

  • Educate yourself. Whether it’s an STI risk or something new you want to try, know as much about a topic before you bring it up.
  • Do it with your clothes on. Although it might be tempting, don’t wait until you’re in the bedroom to bring up a tricky topic. Instead pick a comfortable place, before you’ve gotten hot and heavy.
  • Break the ice. Telling your partner you’re nervous can be a great way to start. As can bringing up a recent study/statistic/story you’ve read or heard.
  • Be upfront. Don’t beat around the bush or be dishonest.
  • Use humor. Yes, this kind of talk can seem weighty or serious, but it’s ok to use humor to lighten the mood.
  • Bring up good stuff first. Mention something you like or appreciate about your partner, before bringing up something you’d like them to do differently.
  • Talk about protection, pleasure and problems. These open and honest talks aren’t just about the last time you got STD tested. You should be discussing what you like and don’t like, and what is and isn’t working for you.

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