Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Who owns your body?

This Thursday, PPWP will be participating in an excellent panel sponsored by the ACLU of Pennsylvania. Titled "Who Owns Your Body?", the talk will cover an array of issues but the main thrust (and why I'm so excited about it) will be about reframing where we secure the right to make decisions about our bodies.

As I am sure many of you know, the right to privacy is the constitutional right where we are guaranteed reproductive rights. The right to access contraception (in and out of marriage), the right to abortion, the right to privacy in the bedroom, are all found within the catchall "right to privacy".

Though we hold the right to privacy dear, it has not upheld its end of the love.

Over and over again, women are denied the right to make decisions about there body through caveats and loopholes in the right to privacy. This talk, or workshop really, will talk about OTHER places we can secure the rights we deserve.

Luckily, La'Tasha Mayes of New Voices Pittsburgh will be giving the workshop with me. La'Tasha is a pro at frameworks for understanding Reproductive Justice as not only an extension of Reproductive Rights but its own separate set of issues to be grappled with. When formulating the direction of this workshop we both agreed that SOLUTIONS is where it is at. So, hop on the bus and come to "Who Owns Your Body?" Thursday night. Its your ideas that we are looking for. Its your ideas that will secure our rights.

Here are the details:
"Who Owns Your Body?"
Thursday, January 21, 2010 7 -8:30
CMU, Porter Hall - Room 125C
100 Frew Street at Schenley Drive

Be sure to check out the ACLU Pittsburgh web page for a few readings to prepare you for the workshop!

Think you know 'Who Owns Your Body?' Concerned about reproductive freedom? Want to learn more about reproductive rights in Pennsylvania and what that means for your body? Mark your calendar for Thursday, Jan. 21, 2010 and head on over to Porter Hall, Room 125C at 7pm for a lively and informative discussion with Rebecca Cavanaugh, Vice President for Public Affairs at Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania and La'Tasha D. Mayes, Executive Director of New Voices Pittsburgh: Women of Color for Reproductive Justice. Don't forget to check out our website (www.aclupa.org) for more information and bring a friend!

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