Monday, July 20, 2009

Things I thought after you closed the door or hung up the phone...

This post comes to us courtesy of Grassroots Organizing Intern, Anna Donohoe. Anna has been doing amazing work all summer: canvassing and phone banking on behalf of statewide sex education and now on health care reform!

When you said “Keep the faith, baby! Don’t let them take your rights away!” you made me examine my assumption that an older man like you would not be supportive. When you rode up to me on your too-large bike and asked “Hey, whatcha doin’?” you re-affirmed the importance of dialogue with everyone, even though you’re only 9 years old. You brightened my mood after an exhausting day of walking when you warned me that so-and-so next door was certainly not supportive, and refilled my bottle with ice-cold water on that 87 degree Friday. When (so proud of your peach-fuzz mustache) you slyly said I should call the number you wrote on my petition, it made me smile for the rest of the day. After you said “Honey, you’ve got the wrong house—we don’t want Planned Parenthood here” I was surprised how pleasantly our conversation ended when I admired the nasturtiums by your porch. Your enthusiasm was contagious when you answered “No, she’s not here... but tell me more, what are you calling about?” and the rest of that phone bank went very well. And I could hardly believe my ears when you tapped me on the shoulder and said “Are you Anna? My wife said I had to get in the car and find you so’s I can sign your petition….”

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