Thursday, May 20, 2010

I've Come to the End

As of today the count is thirteen days until I’m done with high school. After four years it is finally coming to an end, and I have to say I couldn’t be happier. It’s certainly time for me to move on from the tedious (and occasionally exhilarating) world of high school. For my classmates and me, this last semester has been a difficult push to the end filled with missing assignments and skipped days. Compared to my peers, however, I’ve had the opportunity to do something new in the last four months of school. Instead of sitting around in school for another few hours after lunch, counting down until the end of the day, brining me that much closer to the end, I’ve come to Planned Parenthood every day and been engaged in something new and exciting, giving me a reason to come to school every day. In fact I even came to my internship on Senior Skip Day. Crazy right? Tells you there’s something special about this place though.
I think the biggest difference between school and working at Planned Parenthood is that I truly care about the work I do here. At school everyone has such resentment towards doing work and being productive; seniors just want it to be over already. When I come to Planned Parenthood, however, I get excited about what I get to accomplish that day. Everyday I get to do something that makes a difference, whether it’s preparing outreach materials for an event, writing a blog post or even doing data entry, and it is all working towards a cause that I care about. The notion that the work I do can make a little something about the world better is enough to give me drive and inspiration to get the work done without dread. Compare that to writing an English paper on Hamlet… I’ll trade any day.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Elena Kagan: The Woman Everybody Wants To Know More About

A high school student in New York during the 70s dreamed of one day becoming a Supreme Court Justice. Now, for Elena Kagan, more than thirty years later, that aspiration may very well be coming true. President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan, is poised to replace Justice John Paul Stevens if her nomination is approved by the Senate. If appointed she would be the third woman serving on the Supreme Court, the most women ever seated on the court at the same time, making the composition of the Justices a third female. With diversity on the horizon, it is easy to get excited about Elena Kagan’s nomination without even knowing anything about her.

For the past thirty years, Kagan has been working all over the academic and political circuits. Paticular highlights of her political career include clerking for Justice Thurgood Marshall, working on Vice President Joe Biden’s staff when he was a senator, working for Clinton’s administration and currently serving as the United States’ Solicitor General, representing the United States in front of the Supreme Court. Elena Kagan has a long history as a professor, earning tenure at University of Chicago before going to work for the Clinton administration than as Dean of Harvard Law School. Kagan is no stranger to breaking barriers for women, serving as the first female Dean of Harvard Law School and first female Solicitor General. Becoming the third woman on the Supreme Court seems like a practical next step.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Youth Invasion 2010!

Every year the Andy Warhol Museum is taking over by teens for a night for Youth Invasion. There’s dancing, music, art, a fashion show, free food, and of course tabling by local organizations reaching out to the hundreds of youth at the event. This year Carnegie Library, the Women and Girls Foundation, Rustbelt Radio, the Youth Empowerment Project/PERSAD, Bike Pgh, the Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force, and the Animal Rescue League. Of course Planned Parenthood was also there running a table filled with pamphlets, condoms, PPWP chapsticks and our “Be Safe, Be Sexy” buss pass holders stuffed with cards and condoms. Yay Freebies!!!

As expected, youth loved the table and grabbed up the chapstick and other give aways saying how cute the buss pass holders were. What was a bit unexpected for me, however, was how a lot of the adults at Youth Invasion would come by the table and grab stuff for their kids, fill out the “I support Sex-Ed” cards and were genuinely excited that we were there for the youth. It was great to see adults who liked seeing teenagers stuffing condoms in their pockets instead of becoming protective and defensive.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Choice: As American As Apple Pie!

Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania PAC is thrilled to invite supporters to enjoy a heaping slice of apple pie with us to support our summer internship program!

Every summer, Planned Parentoods from around the state host interns who are instrumental in our advocacy and political work. Show your support for these amazing young people by coming out on June 5th from 6 pm to 9 pm for a family friendly BBQ at Healcrest Urban Farm!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Charged for Following the Law? What Now?

In Wisconsin school districts have the choice to teach sex education to their pupils, so many schools have good comprehensive sex education programs that in addition to teaching about abstinence, teach students about STIs, contraception, and state sex laws. In fact, starting in 2011 schools that have any type of sex ed program will be required to use a comprehensive curriculum.
That’s a step in the right direction for Wisconsin But of course, whenever progress is made, there are those people who fight back even harder. In this case, it’s a Wisconsin County Prosecutor threatening to bring criminal charges against teachers who follow the law and teach sexual ed.
The age of consent in Wisconsin is 18, so legally minors are not allowed to have sex. The prosecutor, Juneau County District Attorney Scott Southworth, claims that teaching about contraception and safe sex and not just absitinance encourages youth to have sex. He believes that comprehensive sex education is a “radical program that sexualizes our children as early as kindergarten. This, in turn, will lead to more child sexual assaults."

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Maternal Health: Can We Fix This Mess?

Part V

The maternal health care system has a lot of problems. In fact, it is highly messed up. But like socks with their pair, actions and reactions, and everything going up coming down again, these problems have solutions. Now these aren’t sweet and simple solutions that will to make everything A-Okay overnight, but with time, dedication and resources, will make a huge difference in creating a maternal health care system that succeeds in protecting the health of mothers. Only fixing one part of the system will leave a maternal health care system still plagued by problems, so any plan must take a systematic approach and address all of the problems in the system in order to really make a difference.
One of the first things the government can do is to establish an Office of Maternal Health. This office would be important in addressing the issues of accountability and lack of information about the system failings. With a government office dedicated to improving maternal health, eliminating discrimination and creating standards of care. Giving a group of people the power and authority to do something about the maternal health care crisis is necessary in implementing real change. The health care system is highly tied into government operations and systems, so the government needs to be involved in the solutions process.
Other ways the government can address maternal mortality include establishing state level maternal mortality review boards and making Medicaid easily accessible by pregnant women. Maternal mortality review boards serve to investigate and keep records of maternal deaths, and can hold institutions accountable if a death was preventable. Pregnant women need regular prenatal care and access to services. Now, if a woman gets pregnant and then applies to Medicaid, it takes much to long for her to begin receiving health care benefits. By giving pregnant woman temporary access to Medicaid during their pregnancy will increase the number of women receiving maternal health care.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Policy Update and Save the Dates!

Happy Spring from Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania's Advocacy Team!
Lots of exciting things are happening at PPWP throughout the summer. Stay tuned for updates! Here some things we have been working on and a few Save the Dates.
Sex Ed Legislation Update:
We are thrilled to announce the passage of the Healthy Youth Act out of the House Education Committee this past Wednesday! One of the many goals of the Healthy Youth Act is to create a minimum standard for sex education curriculum in Pennsylvania public schools. With this vote, we are one step closer to ensuring that PA students have the education and skills they need to make healthy decisions for themselves. This is only the second time a proactive reproductive rights bill passed out of committee in the history of the Commonwealth. A BIG round of applause goes out to our state office and our many volunteers for working their butts off to get this done. Planned Parenthood, along with dozens of organizations statewide, will be pushing hard for consideration by the full house in June but we have a tremendous amount of work ahead of us to get here. Please consider calling your House Representative and encourage them to support the Healthy Youth Act! Find your representative's contact information here.

Save the Dates!
May 7th: PPWP volunteers will be tabling at the Youth Invasion event at the Warhol Museum on Friday from 5 pm to 10 pm. If you know anyone who would like to volunteer for this or any other event, connect them with Tiffany at!
May 12th: Phone Bank and Volunteer Night next Wednesday from 5:45 pm to 8 pm in conference room. Stop by to make a few calls and find out what's new!
June 5th: Choice is as American as Apple Pie - Family Friendly BBQ at Healcrest Farms in Garfield from 6 - 9. For more detail email Rebecca at
June 13th: Cocktails for a Cause! Join us at Round Corner Cantina (3720 Butler Street, Lawrenceville) from 4 - 6 p.m. for great drinks at a great price all benefiting Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates!